Grants and other funding opportunities can help you develop a track record of success as a researcher, potentially increasing your attractiveness to future employers. Many graduate students have worthwhile projects that deserve funding. While that may be true, it will be up to you to convince proposal reviewers that your project is a worthwhile initiative to fund. Having a concrete plan will help you with that. This chapter provides you with some resources to help get you started.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Identify the key elements within a request for proposal (RFP)
  • Use grant-finding resources to find and assess potential funding sources


Graduate students often seek funding from foundations, agencies, and their own affiliated institutions of higher education. This money may be used to complete a research project, attend a professional conference, participate in a fellowship, etc. Some funding opportunities have a smaller pool of applications, so try not limit yourself. Consider a combination of funding opportunities.

Be sure to carefully read and follow all procedures and guidelines provided by the funding agency before submitting your funding application or research proposal.

The following embedded PDF includes details on some of the key features of a research proposal:

Wong, P. (2002). How to write a research proposal. Dr. Paul T. P. Wong. Retrieved from


While the particular proposal requirements for funding opportunities may differ, a key element for most will be your proposed budget. The grant proposal budget will be specific to your project or program and outlines the intended expenditures if awarded funding. Costs and project elements should be well-defined with capital and non-capital expenditures and all assumed in-kind services, volunteer efforts, and indirect costs included.

Additional Resources

The following workshop video [1:28:09] from Old Dominion University provides an overview of grant writing essentials:

Grant-Writing Tips

Grant-Finding Resources

Fredonia/SUNY/NYS Funding Opportunities


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Fredonia Graduate Studies Research Toolkit Copyright © 2022 by Christina Hilburger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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